====== Wiki (DokuWiki) Setup ====== Basic setup instructions for adding a wiki (www.dokuwiki.org) to a newly created CS wiki account. ====== Initial Conditions ====== Provided for CS research projects by request to software@cs... * x-wiki account on wiki.cs.purdue.edu * default dot files * pre-configured apache setup, including apache, cgi-bin, and htdocs directories * virtual x host name and main departmental apache server configured to point to x-wiki server * x-wiki server run at boot time (via ~/apache/bin/rc.local) ====== Create SSH Access ====== For ease of administrative access to the x-wiki account, use ssh-keygen to create a public/private key. Install the public key in ~x-wiki/.ssh/authorized_keys. (Otherwise, use "sudo -u x-wiki bash", say, to access the account after logging in to wiki.cs.purdue.edu.) % ssh-keygen Save file to, e.g., ~/.ssh/id_rsa_x (and id_rsa_x.pub). ====== Install Dokuwiki ====== * Download .tgz file from http://wiki.splitbrain.org/wiki:dokuwiki. * Transfer to x-wiki account on wiki.cs.purdue.edu * gunzip and untar the .tgz file * mv dokuwiki files (including .htaccess) into htdocs directory * Download .tar.gz file from http://www.jandecaluwe.com/testwiki/doku.php/navigation:sidebar_install * gunzip and untar the .tar.gz file * move sidebar into ~/htdocs/lib/tpl ====== Configure Dokuwiki ====== * open http://YOURHOST.cs.purdue.edu/install.php in your browser * follow directions * suggested Initial ACL policy: Public Wiki * login as administrative user * enable "sidebar" as template (and create a page named "sidebar") * Change directory creation mode to 0770 * Change file creation mode to 0660 * Set email address for automatic mails (e.g., to yourself) ====== Sample Contents of ~/htdocs/conf/local.php ======