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This is an old revision of the document!

Installation instructions from

  1. Create domain (e.g.,
  2. Add “/public” to the web directory (in “Users, Files, and Paths” section).
  3. Turn on “Passenger” (checkbox under “Web Options”).
  4. Create a database (at MySQL Database panel):
    1. Database name (bikdjango)
    2. Hostname (
    3. First user (jtkorb)
  5. Download and run the Django setup wizard
    1. python
    2. Name project (p)
    3. MySQL username (jtkorb) and password
    4. Create a superuser (jtkorb and admin, not sure both needed)

Old Notes from Charvel

Installation instructions from…

Pretty much followed exactly, eventually, after getting a false start on the exceptions in the Dreamhost help pages (flup is not needed). Enabled admin interface, too, per instructions at Jeff Croft site.

Source code from…

Currently (6/21/07) using development version. Update with svn…

      % cd django_src
      % svn update

Did (7/14/07) the tutorial starting at…

11/21/07: Updated with svn (per 6/21/07 instructions). Lots of updates! To revision 6709.

      % cd django_src
      % svn update
      % python install (may not be necessary and gives an error)
      % pkill python (this *is* necessary)

12/15/07: Updated with svn to revision 6920. Shortened instructions…

      % cd django_src
      % svn update
      % pkill python

1/1/08: Updated with svn to revision 6980 (per above).

      Created ~/bin.  Linked /usr/bin/python2.4 to
      ~/bin/python. Prepended ~/bin to my path.

1/1/08: To do…

      Confirm that /usr/bin/python2.4 is being used for python.
      Install pyfacebook, something like...
      % svn checkout pyfacebook
      % python install
django_installation_on_dreamhost.1290732552.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/11/25 16:49 by jtkorb