Table of Contents

CS49000-HCI: HCI Issues and Implementation

Course Information


Course Description

This course is an introduction to Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). Students read, and report on in class, research papers, book chapters, and other sources of information on HCI. There are no (or very few) lectures. The course also includes a weekly lab (and associated significant project) to reinforce HCI concepts.


Permission of instructor is required. The project requires solid programming experience (e.g., in Java, C/C++, and/or Python), understanding of dynamic data structures, familiarity with operating system intefaces, and the ability to use a variety of software development tools (e.g., Eclipse and Git or SVN). Android experience a plus.

Course Goals

  1. Learn the concepts and vocabulary of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI).
  2. Gain experience in applying HCI principles to the design of software systems.

Learning Objectives

Working individual and as part of a team, you will create during the semester:

  1. a body of HCI knowledge encountered during the course, and
  2. a large project using HCI principles.

Course Requirements



A Note on Privacy

We will be using various public sites for posting notes, critiques, reviews, code, and other artifacts created for this course. While there will not be grades posted on these sites, there may be feedback on and edits made to your postings. If you wish to remain anonymous, please create accounts at these sites that do not identify you personally and let the instructor know your id.

Required Texts

There are no required texts. Reading materials will be drawn from publicly available sources, where possible.


General Course Policies


Students who participate fully in class, provide good reviews of their chosen papers, and actively contribute to the project, will receive A grades.

Academic Dishonesty

Purdue Policy

Purdue prohibits “dishonesty in connection with any University activity. Cheating, plagiarism, or knowingly furnishing false information to the University are examples of dishonesty.” [Part 5, Section III-B-2-a, University Regulations] Furthermore, the University Senate has stipulated that “the commitment of acts of cheating, lying, and deceit in any of their diverse forms (such as the use of substitutes for taking examinations, the use of illegal cribs, plagiarism, and copying during examinations) is dishonest and must not be tolerated. Moreover, knowingly to aid and abet, directly or indirectly, other parties in committing dishonest acts is in itself dishonest.” [University Senate Document 72-18, December 15, 1972]

For more information, see the Purdue Academic Integrity: A Guide for Students.

Additional Class Policy


Purdue Policy

Students are expected to be present for every meeting of the classes in which they are enrolled.

The dean of students has a Class Attendance and Absence Reporting Policy.

Additional Class Policy

Missed or Late Work

You will not receive credit for any missed assignments; late assignments will receive (a negotiable) 1/2 credit. Be prepared with a good reason.

Students with Disabilities

Purdue University is required to respond to the needs of the students with disabilities as outlined in both the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 through the provision of auxiliary aids and services that allow a student with a disability to fully access and participate in the programs, services, and activities at Purdue University.

If you have a disability that requires special academic accommodation, please make an appointment to speak with me within the first three (3) weeks of the semester in order to discuss any adjustments. It is important that we talk about this at the beginning of the semester. It is the student's responsibility to notify the Disability Resource Center ( of an impairment/condition that may require accommodations and/or classroom modifications.


In the event of a major campus emergency, course requirements, deadlines, and grading percentages are subject to changes that may be necessitated by a revised semester calendar or other circumstances beyond the instructor’s control. Relevant changes to this course will be posted onto the course website or can be obtained by contacting the instructor via email or phone. You are expected to read your email on a frequent basis.


Purdue University is committed to maintaining a community that recognizes and values the inherent worth and dignity of every person; fosters tolerance, sensitivity, understanding, and mutual respect among its members; and encourages each individual to strive to reach his or her own potential. In pursuit of its goal of academic excellence, the University seeks to develop and nurture diversity. The University believes that diversity among its many members strengthens the institution, stimulates creativity, promotes the exchange of ideas, and enriches campus life.

Purdue University prohibits discrimination against any member of the University community on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, age, national origin or ancestry, marital status, parental status, sexual orientation, disability, or status as a veteran. The University will conduct its programs, services, and activities consistent with applicable federal, state and local laws, regulations and orders and in conformance with the procedures and limitations as set forth in Executive Memorandum No. D-1, which provides specific contractual rights and remedies.

Class Schedule

The class schedule is at the top of this page. The time and place for the final exam will be announced when it is available.

This syllabus is subject to change.