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Tunneling with DreamCompute

These steps set up remote access to a home network using an ssh tunnel to a DreamCompute host.

  1. Create a DreamCompute instance (default parameters OK).
  2. On home UNIX server, create a key pair and upload the public key for access to the instance.
  3. Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and add this at the end:
    ClientAliveInterval 30
    ClientAliveCountMax 3
    Match User ubuntu
        GatewayPorts yes
  4. Edit the Access & Security settings:
    Manage Rules
    Add Rule: Custom TCP Rule, Ingress, Open Port 12345 (for example), Remote CIDR =
  5. Create an A-type DNS record for the DreamCompute IP address with a name like
  6. To create and test the tunnel use the command below on the home server, then try to connect to port 12345 on
    $ ssh -NR '*:12345:'
  7. On home server, create a ~/.ssh/config file with something like this…
    Host tunnel
    User ubuntu
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/cloud.key
    BatchMode yes
    EscapeChar none
    RemoteForward *:9190
    RemoteForward *:9191
    RemoteForward *:9999
  8. Add this line to crontab:
    @reboot autossh tunnel -N
tunneling_with_dreamcompute.1489190383.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/03/10 15:59 by jtkorb