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Subversion Repository Access from Eclipse

These instruction describe how to configure the Eclipse IDE to access a Subversion repository, using the Subclipse plugin. These instructions assume Eclipse is running on a Windows system (they need to be generalized to other platforms).

Install Eclipse

Download Eclipse (or visit the Eclipse downloads page for more choices) to your desktop and unzip it into the directory where you would like it installed. Run Eclipse by double-clicking on eclipse.exe before continuing.

Before moving on, make sure that you have already followed the instructions for Subversion repository access from Windows and can successfully browse the repository using TortoiseSVN.

TortoiseSVN Configuration

Right click on the desktop to bring up the options menu. Click TortoiseSVN → Settings Click on the Edit button for the Subversion configuration file.

Find [tunnels] and make sure it isn’t commented out. Below it add the line: ssh = C:\\Program Files\\TortoiseSVN\\bin\\TortoisePlink.exe or whatever your path to TortoisePlink.exe is.

Install Subclipse

To install Subclipse, open Eclipse and then follow the instructions on this Subclipse installation guide. The instructions will vary slightly because Subclipse has more updates than when the guide was written.

Do not try to install the optional Integrations subtree unless you know what you are doing and have the necessary prerequisites.

Repository Access

Inside Eclipse, click Window → Show View → Other → SVN → SVN Repository. Then, Click OK.

In the new view, add a Repository with the url: svn+ssh:host/path where host is the session you saved in PuTTY. For many repositories, path'' can be left empty. All done. Try to browse the repository in Eclipse or check it out. ====== Checking Out Projects ====== To check out a project from the SVN repository, go the the SVN Repository Exploring (Window → Show View → Other → SVN → SVN Repository), select the repository, select the project you would like to check out, right-click and then choose Checkout…. Select Check out as a project configured using the New Project Wizard if you want to choose a special location for the project or select Check out as a project in the workspace if you want to keep the project in your default workspace. Click Finish, and the project should appear in the Package Explorer. ====== New Projects ====== If you are creating a new project, create the project normally inside of Eclipse. Then, right click on the project in the Package Explorer and choose Team → Share Project…. Choose SVN and click Next >. Select Use existing repository location:, highlight the repository, and click Next >. Finally, pick the folder name (the Use project name as folder name option should be fine), and click Finish. The rest should be self-explanatory. ====== This guide based heavily on information at (which seems not to be up, but Google has it cached for the time being).

using_subversion_from_eclipse.txt · Last modified: 2008/03/26 10:04 by jtkorb