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Installing Web2Py on DreamHost

Under construction!

  • For starters, see the README file at
  • Create a fully-hosted domain at DreamHost. I used
  • Site configuration options include: Remove WWW from beginning of name; use PHP 5.6 FastCGI (default) and Passenger.
  • Since DreamHost uses Passenger as its web app server, extra steps are required to get Web2Py working.
  • Use a shell account to open a terminal window on your DreamHost server.
  • Create a virtual python environment in ~/python (could go elsewhere, but remember the path):
$ cd ~
$ virtualenv python
$ source python/bin/activate
$ pip install requests  # needed by cams app and others
  • Clone sources from the Web2Py github site1) into web-server directory (using as an example):
$ git clone --recursive
  • To update to latest Web2Py later (from within web-server directory):
$ cd ~/
$ git pull --recurse-submodules
  • Copy handlers/ to ./ and edit:
$ cp handlers/
  • Insert these two lines at around line 40 in (before call to os.path.isdir):
INTERP = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], 'python', 'bin', 'python')
if sys.executable != INTERP: os.execl(INTERP, INTERP, *sys.argv)
  • Note that the INTERP path points to the virtualenv-created executable created earlier.
  • Create tmp/restart.txt. Touch this file to force relaunch of Web2Py via Passenger.

The Web2Py environment should now be operational. Visit the domain created earlier to see it.


  • There are two branches in the top-level repository: master (the standard Web2Py version) and dreamhost (the additions to run it on DreamHost).
  • To see the differences, use “git diff master” (assuming “dreamhost” is current branch).
  • Use “git merge master” to pull changes to the master into the dreamhost branch.

Example: WDW

  • An empty WDW application at
  • Clone into applications directory and it (should be) ready to go.
  • Current model is to develop on laptop, test locally, commit changes, ssh to DreamHost server, and pull changes to applications/wdw directory.

Sending Email from Web2Py Using Google G Suite

  • These steps do not currently (1/8/2017) appear to work reliably (Google-imposed security concerns). Should find a better way to send email.
  • Edit applications/appname/private/appconfig.ini
  • Login: email-login:password
  • Use SSL with port 465
  • At Google-app admin site: allow insecure applications and disable captcha.

Remote Admin Access

These steps allow remote browser access to the Web2Py administrative control panels (both the master panel at admin as well as the app-specific panels at MYAPP/appadmin.

  • Enable https from the DreamHost domain management panel.
  • The free certificate from “Let's Encrypt SSL” works.
  • Wait for a few minutes for the certificate to get created and installed.
  • Restart the web server by touching tmp/restart.txt.
  • Set an admin password.
$ python -p 443 -a "secret-secure-password"

This command will give errors (for among other reasons, a user process cannot listen on port 443), but it will have generated the necessary file.

To redirect all accesses to be via https, there are two options:

  1. Use an .htaccess file to do a redirect as described by DreamHost here.
  2. Use Web2Py Auth(…, secure=True) setting, but note that this change breaks Travis CI testing.

In either case, there might be cached browser files that break the redirect, for example, redirecting to Verify by opening an incognito window; fix by clearing cached files in the browser.

You might prefer to go to and create a fork of the Web2Py sources, then clone your fork. That's what all the cool kids do.
web2py_on_dreamhost.txt · Last modified: 2019/05/10 07:09 by jtkorb